
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
P. K. Endress1990Evolution of reproductive structures and functions in primitive angiosperms (Magnoliidae)
A. Engler, Diels L.1990Übersicht über die bekannten Gattungen der Anonaceen und Beschreibung einiger neuen Gattungen dieser Familie aus dem tropischen Afrika
E. Heijden, Keßler P. J. A.1990Studies on the tribe Saccopetaleae (Annonaceae)-III. Revision of the genus Mezzettia Beccari
D. M. Johnson, Murray N. A.1990New Species of Guatteria (Annonaceae) from the Guayana Highland
P. J. A. Keßler1990Studies on the tribe Saccopetaleae (Annonaceae) - II - additions to the genus Orophea Blume
J. Koek-Noorman, Westra, L. Y. Th., Maas, P. J. M.1990Studies in Annonaceae. XIII. The role of morphological characters in subsequent classifications of Annonaceae. A comparative survey
V. Prakash, Mehrotra B. N.1990A new species of Polyalthia (Annonaceae) from Maghalaya, India
N. Sasidharan, Sivarajan V. V.1990Orophea malabarica (Annonaceae), a new species from peninsular India
G. E. Schatz, Le Thomas A.1990The genus Polyalthia (Annonaceae) in Madagascar
A. K. van Setten1990Fruits and seeds in Annonaceae
A. K. van Setten1990Fruits and seeds in Annonaceae
A. K. van Setten, Maas P. J. M.1990Studies in Annonaceae. XIV. Index to generic names of Annonaceae.
E. van der Heijden, Keßler P. J. A.1990Studies on the tribe Saccopetaleae (Annonaceae) - III. Revision of the genus Mezzettia Beccari
A. K. van Setten, Maas P. J. M.1990Studies in Annonaceae. XIV. Index to generic names of Annonaceae.

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