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Taxonomic name
- Ambavioideae (2) Apply Ambavioideae filter
- Anaxagorea (3) Apply Anaxagorea filter
- Anaxagoreoideae (3) Apply Anaxagoreoideae filter
- Annickia (1) Apply Annickia filter
- Annickieae (1) Apply Annickieae filter
- Annona (1) Apply Annona filter
- Annonaceae (46) Apply Annonaceae filter
- Annoneae (3) Apply Annoneae filter
- Annonoideae (17) Apply Annonoideae filter
- Anonidium (2) Apply Anonidium filter
- Asteranthe (2) Apply Asteranthe filter
- Asteranthe asterias (1) Apply Asteranthe asterias filter
- Bocageeae (3) Apply Bocageeae filter
- Brieya (3) Apply Brieya filter
- Brieya fasciculata (2) Apply Brieya fasciculata filter
- Brieya latipetala (1) Apply Brieya latipetala filter
- Cremastosperma (2) Apply Cremastosperma filter
- Cymbopetalum (1) Apply Cymbopetalum filter
- Dasymaschalon (1) Apply Dasymaschalon filter
- Desmopsis (2) Apply Desmopsis filter
- Drepananthus (2) Apply Drepananthus filter
- Duguetieae (2) Apply Duguetieae filter
- Enicosanthum (1) Apply Enicosanthum filter
- Fusaea (2) Apply Fusaea filter
- Greenwayodendron (1) Apply Greenwayodendron filter
- Guatteria (3) Apply Guatteria filter
- Guatterieae (3) Apply Guatterieae filter
- Haplostichanthus (1) Apply Haplostichanthus filter
- Hexalobus (4) Apply Hexalobus filter
- Huberantha (1) Apply Huberantha filter
- Isolona (6) Apply Isolona filter
- Isolona campanulata (1) Apply Isolona campanulata filter
- Isolona hexaloba (1) Apply Isolona hexaloba filter
- Isolona zenkeri (1) Apply Isolona zenkeri filter
- Malmea (2) Apply Malmea filter
- Malmeeae (2) Apply Malmeeae filter
- Malmeoideae (16) Apply Malmeoideae filter
- Melodorum (2) Apply Melodorum filter
- Miliuseae (6) Apply Miliuseae filter
- Monodora (6) Apply Monodora filter
- Monodora grandidieri (1) Apply Monodora grandidieri filter
- Monodora myristica (1) Apply Monodora myristica filter
- Monodora tenuifolia (1) Apply Monodora tenuifolia filter
- Monodoreae (10) Apply Monodoreae filter
- Monoon (1) Apply Monoon filter
- Mwasumbia (1) Apply Mwasumbia filter
- Mwasumbia alba (1) Apply Mwasumbia alba filter
- Ophrypetalum (1) Apply Ophrypetalum filter
- Phaeanthus (1) Apply Phaeanthus filter
- Piptostigma (4) Apply Piptostigma filter
- Piptostigma exellii (1) Apply Piptostigma exellii filter
- Piptostigma giganteum (1) Apply Piptostigma giganteum filter
- Piptostigma pilosum (1) Apply Piptostigma pilosum filter
- Piptostigmateae (8) Apply Piptostigmateae filter
- Polyalthia (1) Apply Polyalthia filter
- Porcelia (2) Apply Porcelia filter
- Sanrafaelia (1) Apply Sanrafaelia filter
- Sapranthus (2) Apply Sapranthus filter
- Sirdavidia (1) Apply Sirdavidia filter
- Sirdavidia solannona (1) Apply Sirdavidia solannona filter
- Uvaria (2) Apply Uvaria filter
- Uvariastrum (1) Apply Uvariastrum filter
- Uvarieae (3) Apply Uvarieae filter
- Uvariodendron (4) Apply Uvariodendron filter
- Uvariopsis (3) Apply Uvariopsis filter
- Uvariopsis citrata (1) Apply Uvariopsis citrata filter
- Uvariopsis congolana (1) Apply Uvariopsis congolana filter
- Xylopia (2) Apply Xylopia filter
- Xylopieae (2) Apply Xylopieae filter
- Adam, JG. (5) Apply Adam, JG. filter
- Anonymous (3) Apply Anonymous filter
- Aubréville, A (6) Apply Aubréville, A filter
- Baillon, H (2) Apply Baillon, H filter
- Bakker, M (2) Apply Bakker, M filter
- Bamps, P (2) Apply Bamps, P filter
- Bentham, G (4) Apply Bentham, G filter
- Berry, P (2) Apply Berry, P filter
- Berry, PE. (3) Apply Berry, PE. filter
- Blackmore, S (4) Apply Blackmore, S filter
- Boldingh, I (2) Apply Boldingh, I filter
- Botermans, M (5) Apply Botermans, M filter
- Boutique, R (4) Apply Boutique, R filter
- Britton, NL. (4) Apply Britton, NL. filter
- Burkill, H M (2) Apply Burkill, H M filter
- Bygrave, P C (2) Apply Bygrave, P C filter
- Bân, NT. (3) Apply Bân, NT. filter
- Caratini, C (2) Apply Caratini, C filter
- Cavaco, A (4) Apply Cavaco, A filter
- Chalermglin, P (4) Apply Chalermglin, P filter
- Chalermglin, P (3) Apply Chalermglin, P filter
- Chaowasku, T (17) Apply Chaowasku, T filter
- Chaowasku, T (3) Apply Chaowasku, T filter
- Chatrou, L W (13) Apply Chatrou, L W filter
- Chatrou, LW (15) Apply Chatrou, LW filter
- Chatrou, LW. (16) Apply Chatrou, LW. filter
- Chatrou, LW. (3) Apply Chatrou, LW. filter
- Chatterjee, D (4) Apply Chatterjee, D filter
- Chun, WY. (4) Apply Chun, WY. filter
- Corner, EJ. H. (3) Apply Corner, EJ. H. filter
- Couvreur, T (6) Apply Couvreur, T filter
- Couvreur, T L P (17) Apply Couvreur, T L P filter
- Couvreur, TL P (5) Apply Couvreur, TL P filter
- Couvreur, TL. P. (8) Apply Couvreur, TL. P. filter
- Craib, W (13) Apply Craib, W filter
- Craib, WG. (2) Apply Craib, WG. filter
- Dalziel, JM. (3) Apply Dalziel, JM. filter
- Damthongdee, A (3) Apply Damthongdee, A filter
- Das, D (2) Apply Das, D filter
- Dauby, G (3) Apply Dauby, G filter
- de Candolle, A P (2) Apply de Candolle, A P filter
- de Mello-Silva, R (3) Apply de Mello-Silva, R filter
- de Mello-Silva, R (2) Apply de Mello-Silva, R filter
- De Wildeman, E (6) Apply De Wildeman, E filter
- Deroin, T (18) Apply Deroin, T filter
- Deroin, T (7) Apply Deroin, T filter
- Dias, MC. (2) Apply Dias, MC. filter
- Diels, L (15) Apply Diels, L filter
- Diels, L (2) Apply Diels, L filter
- Dodson, CH. (2) Apply Dodson, CH. filter
- Doyle, J (9) Apply Doyle, J filter
- Doyle, JA (2) Apply Doyle, JA filter
- Doyle, JA. (5) Apply Doyle, JA. filter
- Duminil, J (2) Apply Duminil, J filter
- Durand, T (2) Apply Durand, T filter
- Engler, A (15) Apply Engler, A filter
- Erbar, C (3) Apply Erbar, C filter
- Erkens, R H J (9) Apply Erkens, R H J filter
- Erkens, RH J (14) Apply Erkens, RH J filter
- Erkens, RH. J. (6) Apply Erkens, RH. J. filter
- et al., (2) Apply et al., filter
- Exell, A W (10) Apply Exell, A W filter
- Ferguson, I K (2) Apply Ferguson, I K filter
- Finet, A (3) Apply Finet, A filter
- Fischer, CE. C. (5) Apply Fischer, CE. C. filter
- Forzza, RC. (2) Apply Forzza, RC. filter
- Fries, R E (6) Apply Fries, R E filter
- Fries, RE. (36) Apply Fries, RE. filter
- Gagnepain, F (3) Apply Gagnepain, F filter
- Gautier, L (2) Apply Gautier, L filter
- Gentry, AH. (2) Apply Gentry, AH. filter
- Gereau, R E (4) Apply Gereau, R E filter
- Ghesquière, J (6) Apply Ghesquière, J filter
- Gleason, HA. (2) Apply Gleason, HA. filter
- Goodrich, KR (2) Apply Goodrich, KR filter
- Goseline, G (2) Apply Goseline, G filter
- Gottsberger, G (4) Apply Gottsberger, G filter
- Gottsberger, G (2) Apply Gottsberger, G filter
- Grandidier, A (2) Apply Grandidier, A filter
- Guillaumin, A (2) Apply Guillaumin, A filter
- Guillemin, J A (2) Apply Guillemin, J A filter
- Guinet, P (2) Apply Guinet, P filter
- Guo, X (3) Apply Guo, X filter
- Guédes, M (2) Apply Guédes, M filter
- H. van de Kamer, M (4) Apply H. van de Kamer, M filter
- Haines, HH. (2) Apply Haines, HH. filter
- Hardy, O (2) Apply Hardy, O filter
- Harley, M M (2) Apply Harley, M M filter
- Hawthorne, W (2) Apply Hawthorne, W filter
- He, P (3) Apply He, P filter
- Heald, S V (2) Apply Heald, S V filter
- Henderson, A (2) Apply Henderson, A filter
- Henderson, MR. (2) Apply Henderson, MR. filter
- Herklots, GA. C. (2) Apply Herklots, GA. C. filter
- Heuertz, M (2) Apply Heuertz, M filter
- Hoekstra, PH. (3) Apply Hoekstra, PH. filter
- Hoff, M (2) Apply Hoff, M filter
- Hooker, D J (2) Apply Hooker, D J filter
- Hou, XL. (3) Apply Hou, XL. filter
- Huber, H (2) Apply Huber, H filter
- Huber, O (2) Apply Huber, O filter
- Humbert, H (2) Apply Humbert, H filter
- Hutchinson, J (6) Apply Hutchinson, J filter
- Jessup, LW. (4) Apply Jessup, LW. filter
- Johnson, D (2) Apply Johnson, D filter
- Johnson, D M (12) Apply Johnson, D M filter
- Johnson, DM (9) Apply Johnson, DM filter
- Johnson, DM. (3) Apply Johnson, DM. filter
- Jongkind, CC. H. (2) Apply Jongkind, CC. H. filter
- K. Palgrave, C (2) Apply K. Palgrave, C filter
- K. Salleh, M (2) Apply K. Salleh, M filter
- Keay, R W J (3) Apply Keay, R W J filter
- Keay, RW. J. (4) Apply Keay, RW. J. filter
- Kenfack, D (2) Apply Kenfack, D filter
- Keraudren, M (4) Apply Keraudren, M filter
- Kessler, PJ. A. (3) Apply Kessler, PJ. A. filter
- Keßler, P (3) Apply Keßler, P filter
- Keßler, P (2) Apply Keßler, P filter
- KeßLer, PJ A (6) Apply KeßLer, PJ A filter
- Keßler, PJ. A. (11) Apply Keßler, PJ. A. filter
- Keßler, PJ. A. (7) Apply Keßler, PJ. A. filter
- King, G (3) Apply King, G filter
- Koek-Noorman, J (6) Apply Koek-Noorman, J filter
- Koek-Noorman, J (2) Apply Koek-Noorman, J filter
- Kral, R (2) Apply Kral, R filter
- Lamoureux, C H (2) Apply Lamoureux, C H filter
- Latiff, A (3) Apply Latiff, A filter
- Le Thomas, A (36) Apply Le Thomas, A filter
- Le Thomas, A (10) Apply Le Thomas, A filter
- Le Thomas, A (3) Apply Le Thomas, A filter
- Lecomte, H (3) Apply Lecomte, H filter
- Leins, P (3) Apply Leins, P filter
- LeThomas, A (2) Apply LeThomas, A filter
- Li, SJ. (2) Apply Li, SJ. filter
- Li,, Ping-Ta'o (2) Apply Li,, Ping-Ta'o filter
- Liogier, AH. (4) Apply Liogier, AH. filter
- Lobão, AQ. (5) Apply Lobão, AQ. filter
- Lorenzi, H (2) Apply Lorenzi, H filter
- Luke, Q (2) Apply Luke, Q filter
- Luke, W R Q (2) Apply Luke, W R Q filter
- Maas, H (2) Apply Maas, H filter
- Maas, J M (2) Apply Maas, J M filter
- Maas, JW (3) Apply Maas, JW filter
- Maas, JW. (2) Apply Maas, JW. filter
- Maas, P J M (8) Apply Maas, P J M filter
- Maas, PJ M (8) Apply Maas, PJ M filter
- Maas, PJ. M. (21) Apply Maas, PJ. M. filter
- Maas, PJ. M. (15) Apply Maas, PJ. M. filter
- Masamune, G (2) Apply Masamune, G filter
- Matthew, KM. (2) Apply Matthew, KM. filter
- Mbago, F M (3) Apply Mbago, F M filter
- Mbele, Y M (2) Apply Mbele, Y M filter
- Meinke, S (3) Apply Meinke, S filter
- Meinke, S (2) Apply Meinke, S filter
- Melchior, H (3) Apply Melchior, H filter
- Mello-Silva, R (3) Apply Mello-Silva, R filter
- Mendonça, FA. (2) Apply Mendonça, FA. filter
- Mennega, EA. (3) Apply Mennega, EA. filter
- Merrill, ED. (43) Apply Merrill, ED. filter
- Milne-Redhead, E (2) Apply Milne-Redhead, E filter
- Mols, J B (11) Apply Mols, J B filter
- Mols, JB (2) Apply Mols, JB filter
- Morawetz, W (9) Apply Morawetz, W filter
- Morawetz, W (3) Apply Morawetz, W filter
- Mori, S A (2) Apply Mori, S A filter
- Morton, C M (2) Apply Morton, C M filter
- Murray, NA. (4) Apply Murray, NA. filter
- Murray, NA. (3) Apply Murray, NA. filter
- Mwasumbi, L B (4) Apply Mwasumbi, L B filter
- Oliver, D (3) Apply Oliver, D filter
- Olivier, D (2) Apply Olivier, D filter
- Oosterhof, J (2) Apply Oosterhof, J filter
- others, (4) Apply others, filter
- Paiva, J A R (4) Apply Paiva, J A R filter
- Pellegrin, F (9) Apply Pellegrin, F filter
- Perrottet, S (2) Apply Perrottet, S filter
- Pirie, M D (5) Apply Pirie, M D filter
- Pirie, MD. (8) Apply Pirie, MD. filter
- Pirie, MD. (3) Apply Pirie, MD. filter
- Pittier, H (4) Apply Pittier, H filter
- Polhill, R M (2) Apply Polhill, R M filter
- Pontes, AF. (3) Apply Pontes, AF. filter
- Prantl, K (4) Apply Prantl, K filter
- Prantl, K (2) Apply Prantl, K filter
- Pulle, A (2) Apply Pulle, A filter
- Rainer, H (9) Apply Rainer, H filter
- Rainer, H (2) Apply Rainer, H filter
- Rainer, H (2) Apply Rainer, H filter
- Repetur, CP. (2) Apply Repetur, CP. filter
- Richard, A (2) Apply Richard, A filter
- Richardson, J E (3) Apply Richardson, J E filter
- Richardson, JE (3) Apply Richardson, JE filter
- Richardson, JE. (4) Apply Richardson, JE. filter
- Ridley, HN. (21) Apply Ridley, HN. filter
- Robinson, CB. (3) Apply Robinson, CB. filter
- Robyns, W (7) Apply Robyns, W filter
- Rogstad, SH. (3) Apply Rogstad, SH. filter
- Rusby, HH. (5) Apply Rusby, HH. filter
- Safford, WE. (11) Apply Safford, WE. filter
- Saunders, R M K (8) Apply Saunders, R M K filter
- Saunders, RM K (24) Apply Saunders, RM K filter
- Saunders, RM. K. (17) Apply Saunders, RM. K. filter
- Saunders, RM. K. (3) Apply Saunders, RM. K. filter
- Saunders, RMK (3) Apply Saunders, RMK filter
- Savolainen, V (2) Apply Savolainen, V filter
- Scharf, U (5) Apply Scharf, U filter
- Schatz, G E (2) Apply Schatz, G E filter
- Schatz, GE. (15) Apply Schatz, GE. filter
- Sinclair, J (7) Apply Sinclair, J filter
- Sivarajan, VV. (2) Apply Sivarajan, VV. filter
- Smith, N (2) Apply Smith, N filter
- Sosef, M S M (4) Apply Sosef, M S M filter
- Sosef, MS M (2) Apply Sosef, MS M filter
- Spichiger, R (3) Apply Spichiger, R filter
- Standley, PC. (6) Apply Standley, PC. filter
- Stevenson, D W (2) Apply Stevenson, D W filter
- Su, Y C F (3) Apply Su, Y C F filter
- Su, YC F (9) Apply Su, YC F filter
- Su, YC. F. (5) Apply Su, YC. F. filter
- Sánchez, SD. (4) Apply Sánchez, SD. filter
- Tan, Y (4) Apply Tan, Y filter
- Thomas, DC (6) Apply Thomas, DC filter
- Tsiang, Y (3) Apply Tsiang, Y filter
- Tsou, CH. (3) Apply Tsou, CH. filter
- Turner, IM. (15) Apply Turner, IM. filter
- Van der Ham, R W J M (6) Apply Van der Ham, R W J M filter
- Van der Ham, RW. J. M. (2) Apply Van der Ham, RW. J. M. filter
- van der Ham, RW. J. M. (2) Apply van der Ham, RW. J. M. filter
- van der Niet, T (2) Apply van der Niet, T filter
- van Heusden, E C H (2) Apply van Heusden, E C H filter
- van Heusden, EC. H. (7) Apply van Heusden, EC. H. filter
- van Heuven, B J (3) Apply van Heuven, B J filter
- van Setten, A K (4) Apply van Setten, A K filter
- Verdcourt, B (15) Apply Verdcourt, B filter
- Versteegh, P C (2) Apply Versteegh, P C filter
- Wadsworth, FH. (2) Apply Wadsworth, FH. filter
- Waha, M (6) Apply Waha, M filter
- Wang, J (2) Apply Wang, J filter
- Weerasooriya, AD. (3) Apply Weerasooriya, AD. filter
- Welwitsch, F M J (2) Apply Welwitsch, F M J filter
- Westra, LY (3) Apply Westra, LY filter
- Westra, LY T (2) Apply Westra, LY T filter
- Westra, LY. T. (3) Apply Westra, LY. T. filter
- Westra, LY. T. h (3) Apply Westra, LY. T. h filter
- Westra, LY. T.h. (3) Apply Westra, LY. T.h. filter
- Westra, LY.T.h. (5) Apply Westra, LY.T.h. filter
- Wieringa, J J (4) Apply Wieringa, J J filter
- Wieringa, JJ. (4) Apply Wieringa, JJ. filter
- Wieringa, JJ. (3) Apply Wieringa, JJ. filter
- Wilson, P (2) Apply Wilson, P filter
- Winkler, H (2) Apply Winkler, H filter
- Xue, B (8) Apply Xue, B filter
- Xue, B (3) Apply Xue, B filter
- Zijlstra, G (2) Apply Zijlstra, G filter
- Záchia, RA. (3) Apply Záchia, RA. filter
Publication year
- 1789 (1) Apply 1789 filter
- 1791 (1) Apply 1791 filter
- 1804 (1) Apply 1804 filter
- 1817 (1) Apply 1817 filter
- 1824 (1) Apply 1824 filter
- 1831 (2) Apply 1831 filter
- 1832 (1) Apply 1832 filter
- 1843 (1) Apply 1843 filter
- 1855 (1) Apply 1855 filter
- 1858 (1) Apply 1858 filter
- 1859 (1) Apply 1859 filter
- 1860 (1) Apply 1860 filter
- 1862 (2) Apply 1862 filter
- 1865 (1) Apply 1865 filter
- 1868 (4) Apply 1868 filter
- 1869 (1) Apply 1869 filter
- 1880 (1) Apply 1880 filter
- 1882 (1) Apply 1882 filter
- 1885 (1) Apply 1885 filter
- 1886 (1) Apply 1886 filter
- 1890 (1) Apply 1890 filter
- 1891 (2) Apply 1891 filter
- 1893 (4) Apply 1893 filter
- 1896 (1) Apply 1896 filter
- 1897 (2) Apply 1897 filter
- 1899 (5) Apply 1899 filter
- 1900 (3) Apply 1900 filter
- 1901 (5) Apply 1901 filter
- 1902 (1) Apply 1902 filter
- 1903 (3) Apply 1903 filter
- 1904 (2) Apply 1904 filter
- 1905 (6) Apply 1905 filter
- 1906 (8) Apply 1906 filter
- 1907 (8) Apply 1907 filter
- 1908 (8) Apply 1908 filter
- 1909 (6) Apply 1909 filter
- 1910 (3) Apply 1910 filter
- 1911 (8) Apply 1911 filter
- 1912 (10) Apply 1912 filter
- 1913 (13) Apply 1913 filter
- 1914 (9) Apply 1914 filter
- 1915 (9) Apply 1915 filter
- 1916 (7) Apply 1916 filter
- 1917 (2) Apply 1917 filter
- 1918 (2) Apply 1918 filter
- 1919 (1) Apply 1919 filter
- 1920 (10) Apply 1920 filter
- 1921 (3) Apply 1921 filter
- 1922 (7) Apply 1922 filter
- 1923 (5) Apply 1923 filter
- 1924 (4) Apply 1924 filter
- 1925 (7) Apply 1925 filter
- 1926 (8) Apply 1926 filter
- 1927 (6) Apply 1927 filter
- 1928 (5) Apply 1928 filter
- 1929 (5) Apply 1929 filter
- 1930 (7) Apply 1930 filter
- 1931 (5) Apply 1931 filter
- 1932 (2) Apply 1932 filter
- 1933 (7) Apply 1933 filter
- 1934 (6) Apply 1934 filter
- 1935 (7) Apply 1935 filter
- 1936 (7) Apply 1936 filter
- 1937 (6) Apply 1937 filter
- 1938 (6) Apply 1938 filter
- 1939 (5) Apply 1939 filter
- 1940 (4) Apply 1940 filter
- 1941 (1) Apply 1941 filter
- 1942 (3) Apply 1942 filter
- 1943 (3) Apply 1943 filter
- 1944 (3) Apply 1944 filter
- 1945 (1) Apply 1945 filter
- 1946 (4) Apply 1946 filter
- 1947 (2) Apply 1947 filter
- 1948 (8) Apply 1948 filter
- 1949 (5) Apply 1949 filter
- 1950 (8) Apply 1950 filter
- 1951 (10) Apply 1951 filter
- 1952 (9) Apply 1952 filter
- 1953 (4) Apply 1953 filter
- 1954 (3) Apply 1954 filter
- 1955 (5) Apply 1955 filter
- 1956 (7) Apply 1956 filter
- 1957 (3) Apply 1957 filter
- 1958 (4) Apply 1958 filter
- 1959 (6) Apply 1959 filter
- 1960 (3) Apply 1960 filter
- 1961 (9) Apply 1961 filter
- 1962 (4) Apply 1962 filter
- 1963 (5) Apply 1963 filter
- 1964 (6) Apply 1964 filter
- 1965 (5) Apply 1965 filter
- 1966 (5) Apply 1966 filter
- 1967 (6) Apply 1967 filter
- 1968 (8) Apply 1968 filter
- 1969 (9) Apply 1969 filter
- 1970 (5) Apply 1970 filter
- 1971 (10) Apply 1971 filter
- 1972 (8) Apply 1972 filter
- 1973 (1) Apply 1973 filter
- 1974 (3) Apply 1974 filter
- 1975 (7) Apply 1975 filter
- 1976 (3) Apply 1976 filter
- 1977 (4) Apply 1977 filter
- 1978 (11) Apply 1978 filter
- 1979 (5) Apply 1979 filter
- 1980 (7) Apply 1980 filter
- 1981 (10) Apply 1981 filter
- 1982 (9) Apply 1982 filter
- 1983 (11) Apply 1983 filter
- 1984 (15) Apply 1984 filter
- 1985 (15) Apply 1985 filter
- 1986 (11) Apply 1986 filter
- 1987 (3) Apply 1987 filter
- 1988 (21) Apply 1988 filter
- 1989 (13) Apply 1989 filter
- 1990 (16) Apply 1990 filter
- 1991 (12) Apply 1991 filter
- 1992 (9) Apply 1992 filter
- 1993 (14) Apply 1993 filter
- 1994 (7) Apply 1994 filter
- 1995 (11) Apply 1995 filter
- 1996 (15) Apply 1996 filter
- 1997 (23) Apply 1997 filter
- 1998 (12) Apply 1998 filter
- 1999 (13) Apply 1999 filter
- 2000 (18) Apply 2000 filter
- 2001 (15) Apply 2001 filter
- 2002 (6) Apply 2002 filter
- 2003 (13) Apply 2003 filter
- 2004 (17) Apply 2004 filter
- 2005 (23) Apply 2005 filter
- 2006 (18) Apply 2006 filter
- 2007 (22) Apply 2007 filter
- 2008 (18) Apply 2008 filter
- 2009 (17) Apply 2009 filter
- 2010 (17) Apply 2010 filter
- 2011 (23) Apply 2011 filter
- 2012 (26) Apply 2012 filter
- 2013 (11) Apply 2013 filter
- 2014 (18) Apply 2014 filter
- 2015 (3) Apply 2015 filter
- 2016 (7) Apply 2016 filter
- 2017 (9) Apply 2017 filter
- 2018 (17) Apply 2018 filter
- 2019 (9) Apply 2019 filter
- 2020 (2) Apply 2020 filter
- press (1) Apply press filter
Journal keyword
- a new species (1) Apply a new species filter
- adaptive radiation (2) Apply adaptive radiation filter
- adaxial plate (1) Apply adaxial plate filter
- African tropics (1) Apply African tropics filter
- AFRODYN (1) Apply AFRODYN filter
- age (2) Apply age filter
- age constraints (1) Apply age constraints filter
- amplification (2) Apply amplification filter
- Anaxagorea (3) Apply Anaxagorea filter
- angiosperm classification (1) Apply angiosperm classification filter
- angiosperms (2) Apply angiosperms filter
- Annona (1) Apply Annona filter
- Annonaceae (22) Apply Annonaceae filter
- anomianthus (2) Apply anomianthus filter
- Anonidium (2) Apply Anonidium filter
- Anthesis (1) Apply Anthesis filter
- APG system (1) Apply APG system filter
- autogamy (1) Apply autogamy filter
- basal angiosperm (2) Apply basal angiosperm filter
- BEAST (1) Apply BEAST filter
- Beetles (1) Apply Beetles filter
- Berriozábal (1) Apply Berriozábal filter
- Biogeographic hypothesis testing (1) Apply Biogeographic hypothesis testing filter
- biogeography (1) Apply biogeography filter
- Biomedical and Life Sciences (2) Apply Biomedical and Life Sciences filter
- boreotropical hypothesis (1) Apply boreotropical hypothesis filter
- Borneo (1) Apply Borneo filter
- BRIEYA (1) Apply BRIEYA filter
- Buton Island (1) Apply Buton Island filter
- callosic envelope (1) Apply callosic envelope filter
- Cameroon (1) Apply Cameroon filter
- cantharophily (4) Apply cantharophily filter
- Chiapas (1) Apply Chiapas filter
- chloroplast DNA (2) Apply chloroplast DNA filter
- cladistics (1) Apply cladistics filter
- classification (3) Apply classification filter
- classification system (1) Apply classification system filter
- Climbing Annonaceae (1) Apply Climbing Annonaceae filter
- cockroaches (2) Apply cockroaches filter
- compound pollen (1) Apply compound pollen filter
- conservation (1) Apply conservation filter
- Cremastosperma (2) Apply Cremastosperma filter
- cyathostemma (2) Apply cyathostemma filter
- Cymbopetalum (1) Apply Cymbopetalum filter
- Dasymaschalon (2) Apply Dasymaschalon filter
- Data Deficient (1) Apply Data Deficient filter
- delayed anther dehiscence (1) Apply delayed anther dehiscence filter
- Desmopsis (2) Apply Desmopsis filter
- Desmos (1) Apply Desmos filter
- Desmos dumosus (1) Apply Desmos dumosus filter
- dichogamy (1) Apply dichogamy filter
- dioecy (1) Apply dioecy filter
- Dispersal (2) Apply Dispersal filter
- dissemination (1) Apply dissemination filter
- diversification rates (2) Apply diversification rates filter
- DIVERSITY (1) Apply DIVERSITY filter
- DNA barcoding (1) Apply DNA barcoding filter
- DNA phylogenetics (1) Apply DNA phylogenetics filter
- Drepananthus (2) Apply Drepananthus filter
- Ecological niche modeling (1) Apply Ecological niche modeling filter
- ecological speciation (1) Apply ecological speciation filter
- elevational distribution (1) Apply elevational distribution filter
- ellipeia (2) Apply ellipeia filter
- ellipeiopsis (2) Apply ellipeiopsis filter
- endemic (1) Apply endemic filter
- ENDEMISM (2) Apply ENDEMISM filter
- Endexine (1) Apply Endexine filter
- Eudicots (1) Apply Eudicots filter
- EVENTS (1) Apply EVENTS filter
- EVOLUTION (2) Apply EVOLUTION filter
- Flies (1) Apply Flies filter
- flora (1) Apply flora filter
- Floral adaptations (1) Apply Floral adaptations filter
- floral odour (2) Apply floral odour filter
- floral synchrony (1) Apply floral synchrony filter
- flower structures (2) Apply flower structures filter
- Flowering (1) Apply Flowering filter
- fossil calibration (1) Apply fossil calibration filter
- Fresh pollen (1) Apply Fresh pollen filter
- Friesodielsia (1) Apply Friesodielsia filter
- Fusaea (2) Apply Fusaea filter
- geitonogamy (1) Apply geitonogamy filter
- GENERA (2) Apply GENERA filter
- Germination zone (1) Apply Germination zone filter
- Guatteria (4) Apply Guatteria filter
- herkogamy (1) Apply herkogamy filter
- Heteropetalum (2) Apply Heteropetalum filter
- Hexalobus (2) Apply Hexalobus filter
- Huberantha (3) Apply Huberantha filter
- identification (2) Apply identification filter
- identification key (1) Apply identification key filter
- incomplete pollen development (1) Apply incomplete pollen development filter
- INDIA (1) Apply INDIA filter
- Indian rafting (1) Apply Indian rafting filter
- Indochina (1) Apply Indochina filter
- Indonesia (2) Apply Indonesia filter
- Inventory (1) Apply Inventory filter
- Isolona (1) Apply Isolona filter
- IUCN Red List (1) Apply IUCN Red List filter
- K/Pg boundary (1) Apply K/Pg boundary filter
- leaf architecture (1) Apply leaf architecture filter
- lectotype (1) Apply lectotype filter
- lens key characters (2) Apply lens key characters filter
- Liana (1) Apply Liana filter
- lowland dipterocarp forest (2) Apply lowland dipterocarp forest filter
- LTT plots (1) Apply LTT plots filter
- Magnoliales (6) Apply Magnoliales filter
- Magnoliids (3) Apply Magnoliids filter
- malaysia (3) Apply malaysia filter
- Malesia (1) Apply Malesia filter
- Malmea (2) Apply Malmea filter
- Malmeoideae (2) Apply Malmeoideae filter
- Meiogyne (2) Apply Meiogyne filter
- melittophily (2) Apply melittophily filter
- melodorum (2) Apply melodorum filter
- microspore rotation (1) Apply microspore rotation filter
- MILIUSEAE (1) Apply MILIUSEAE filter
- mimicry (2) Apply mimicry filter
- molecular dating (2) Apply molecular dating filter
- molecular phylogeny (3) Apply molecular phylogeny filter
- molecular systematics (1) Apply molecular systematics filter
- MOLECULES (1) Apply MOLECULES filter
- Monocarps fusiform (1) Apply Monocarps fusiform filter
- Monodora (1) Apply Monodora filter
- MONOECY (2) Apply MONOECY filter
- MONOON (3) Apply MONOON filter
- Monoon anomalum (1) Apply Monoon anomalum filter
- Monoon borneense (1) Apply Monoon borneense filter
- morphology (4) Apply morphology filter
- Mount Cameroon (1) Apply Mount Cameroon filter
- museum model (1) Apply museum model filter
- myiophily (2) Apply myiophily filter
- Neotropical flora (1) Apply Neotropical flora filter
- Neotropics (5) Apply Neotropics filter
- new combinations (1) Apply new combinations filter
- NEW GUINEA (2) Apply NEW GUINEA filter
- new names (1) Apply new names filter
- new species (2) Apply new species filter
- new taxa (1) Apply new taxa filter
- nomenclatural reassessment (1) Apply nomenclatural reassessment filter
- nomenclature (5) Apply nomenclature filter
- octad pollen (1) Apply octad pollen filter
- Old World floristics (1) Apply Old World floristics filter
- outreach (1) Apply outreach filter
- Oxandra (1) Apply Oxandra filter
- Paleotropics (1) Apply Paleotropics filter
- palynology (3) Apply palynology filter
- Papua New Guinea (1) Apply Papua New Guinea filter
- Phaeanthus (1) Apply Phaeanthus filter
- Philippines (1) Apply Philippines filter
- phylogenetic classification (1) Apply phylogenetic classification filter
- phylogenetic tree (2) Apply phylogenetic tree filter
- phylogeny (5) Apply phylogeny filter
- PLANTS (1) Apply PLANTS filter
- plastid DNA (1) Apply plastid DNA filter
- plastid markers (1) Apply plastid markers filter
- Pollen wall (1) Apply Pollen wall filter
- pollination (2) Apply pollination filter
- pollination ecology (2) Apply pollination ecology filter
- pollination strategy (2) Apply pollination strategy filter
- Pollination trap (1) Apply Pollination trap filter
- Porcelia (2) Apply Porcelia filter
- protogyny (1) Apply protogyny filter
- R.H.C.C. Scheffer (1) Apply R.H.C.C. Scheffer filter
- r8s (1) Apply r8s filter
- Raimondia (2) Apply Raimondia filter
- Rainforest trees (2) Apply Rainforest trees filter
- Rapid diversification (2) Apply Rapid diversification filter
- rate shift (2) Apply rate shift filter
- rauwenhoffia (2) Apply rauwenhoffia filter
- red list (1) Apply red list filter
- regions (2) Apply regions filter
- reinstatement of old names (1) Apply reinstatement of old names filter
- relaxed clock (1) Apply relaxed clock filter
- reproductive biology (2) Apply reproductive biology filter
- Samoa (2) Apply Samoa filter
- Sapranthinae (1) Apply Sapranthinae filter
- Sapranthus (2) Apply Sapranthus filter
- sapromyiophily (2) Apply sapromyiophily filter
- sarawak (2) Apply sarawak filter
- scent ecology (2) Apply scent ecology filter
- Seed dispersal (1) Apply Seed dispersal filter
- SEED PLANTS (1) Apply SEED PLANTS filter
- self-incompatibility (1) Apply self-incompatibility filter
- sister-group comparison (2) Apply sister-group comparison filter
- Solomon Islands (2) Apply Solomon Islands filter
- South-East Asia (1) Apply South-East Asia filter
- Southeast Asia (1) Apply Southeast Asia filter
- species level phylogeny (1) Apply species level phylogeny filter
- SPME (2) Apply SPME filter
- stamens (1) Apply stamens filter
- stochastic branching pattern (2) Apply stochastic branching pattern filter
- subfamilies (1) Apply subfamilies filter
- supermatrix (1) Apply supermatrix filter
- synonymy (3) Apply synonymy filter
- TAPETUM (1) Apply TAPETUM filter
- taxonomic impediment (1) Apply taxonomic impediment filter
- taxonomic literature (1) Apply taxonomic literature filter
- taxonomy (18) Apply taxonomy filter
- taxonomy. (1) Apply taxonomy. filter
- temporal method (2) Apply temporal method filter
- TETRADS (1) Apply TETRADS filter
- THAILAND (1) Apply THAILAND filter
- thermogenesis (2) Apply thermogenesis filter
- thrips (2) Apply thrips filter
- TIMES (1) Apply TIMES filter
- topological method (2) Apply topological method filter
- Traits (1) Apply Traits filter
- tree diversity (2) Apply tree diversity filter
- tribe Uvariae (1) Apply tribe Uvariae filter
- tribes (1) Apply tribes filter
- tropical moist forests (1) Apply tropical moist forests filter
- tropical rainforest (1) Apply tropical rainforest filter
- uvaria (2) Apply uvaria filter
- Uvariodendron (2) Apply Uvariodendron filter
- Vernacular Names (1) Apply Vernacular Names filter
- Vietnam (1) Apply Vietnam filter
- West Sumatra (1) Apply West Sumatra filter
- wood anatomy (2) Apply wood anatomy filter
- xenogamy (1) Apply xenogamy filter
- Xylopia (2) Apply Xylopia filter
- 2013 (1) Apply 2013 filter
- 2nd Symposium on African Palynology (2) Apply 2nd Symposium on African Palynology filter
- A revised handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 5 (1) Apply A revised handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 5 filter
- Aberdeen University StudiesAberdeen University Studies (1) Apply Aberdeen University StudiesAberdeen University Studies filter
- Acta Bot Gall (1) Apply Acta Bot Gall filter
- Acta Bot GallActa Bot Gall (1) Apply Acta Bot GallActa Bot Gall filter
- Acta botanica neerlandicaActa botanica neerlandica (1) Apply Acta botanica neerlandicaActa botanica neerlandica filter
- Acta Horti Bergiani (2) Apply Acta Horti Bergiani filter
- Acta Horti BergianiActa Horti Bergiani (4) Apply Acta Horti BergianiActa Horti Bergiani filter
- Acta Phytotaxonomica SinicaActa Phytotaxonomica Sinica (3) Apply Acta Phytotaxonomica SinicaActa Phytotaxonomica Sinica filter
- Adansonia (2) Apply Adansonia filter
- Adansonia (Paris) (1) Apply Adansonia (Paris) filter
- Adansonia (Paris)Adansonia (Paris) (1) Apply Adansonia (Paris)Adansonia (Paris) filter
- Adansonia, n.s.Adansonia, n.s. (14) Apply Adansonia, n.s.Adansonia, n.s. filter
- Adansonia, Series 3Adansonia, Series 3 (1) Apply Adansonia, Series 3Adansonia, Series 3 filter
- Adansonia, sér. 3 (1) Apply Adansonia, sér. 3 filter
- AdansoniaAdansonia (2) Apply AdansoniaAdansonia filter
- African Study Monographs (1) Apply African Study Monographs filter
- Agricultural Handbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C.Agricultural Handbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. (2) Apply Agricultural Handbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C.Agricultural Handbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Washington, D.C. filter
- American Journal of BotanyAmerican Journal of Botany (5) Apply American Journal of BotanyAmerican Journal of Botany filter
- Animal ConservationAnimal Conservation (1) Apply Animal ConservationAnimal Conservation filter
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie (2) Apply Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie filter
- Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und ZoologieAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie (2) Apply Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und ZoologieAnnalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie B Botanik und Zoologie filter
- Annales Bogoriensis (1) Apply Annales Bogoriensis filter
- Annales BogoriensisAnnales Bogoriensis (1) Apply Annales BogoriensisAnnales Bogoriensis filter
- Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Serie BAnnales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Serie B (3) Apply Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Serie BAnnales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles. Serie B filter
- Annales du Musée du Congo (1) Apply Annales du Musée du Congo filter
- Annals of the Missouri Botanical GardenAnnals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (4) Apply Annals of the Missouri Botanical GardenAnnals of the Missouri Botanical Garden filter
- Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden (Calcutta)Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden (Calcutta) (2) Apply Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden (Calcutta)Annals of the Royal Botanic Garden (Calcutta) filter
- Annonaceae Newsletter (2) Apply Annonaceae Newsletter filter
- Annonaceae NewsletterAnnonaceae Newsletter (3) Apply Annonaceae NewsletterAnnonaceae Newsletter filter
- Arkiv för Botanik, n.s.Arkiv för Botanik, n.s. (7) Apply Arkiv för Botanik, n.s.Arkiv för Botanik, n.s. filter
- Arkiv för BotanikArkiv för Botanik (6) Apply Arkiv för BotanikArkiv för Botanik filter
- ArnaldoaArnaldoa (2) Apply ArnaldoaArnaldoa filter
- AustrobaileyaAustrobaileya (4) Apply AustrobaileyaAustrobaileya filter
- Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen (2) Apply Beitraege zur Biologie der Pflanzen filter
- Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin.Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin. (2) Apply Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin.Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin. filter
- Biogéographie de Madagascar (1) Apply Biogéographie de Madagascar filter
- Biologiske SkrifterBiologiske Skrifter (1) Apply Biologiske SkrifterBiologiske Skrifter filter
- Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants (3) Apply Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants filter
- Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of PlantsBlumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants (1) Apply Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of PlantsBlumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants filter
- Blumea - Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant GeographyBlumea - Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography (1) Apply Blumea - Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant GeographyBlumea - Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography filter
- Blumea Supplement (1) Apply Blumea Supplement filter
- Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of PlantsBlumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants (1) Apply Blumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of PlantsBlumea-Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plants filter
- BlumeaBlumea (39) Apply BlumeaBlumea filter
- BMC Biology (1) Apply BMC Biology filter
- BMC Evolutionary Biology (1) Apply BMC Evolutionary Biology filter
- BMC Evolutionary BiologyBMC Evolutionary Biology (2) Apply BMC Evolutionary BiologyBMC Evolutionary Biology filter
- Boissiera (1) Apply Boissiera filter
- BoissieraBoissiera (2) Apply BoissieraBoissiera filter
- Bol. Soc. Brot. (2) Apply Bol. Soc. Brot. filter
- Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, séries BotânicaBoletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, séries Botânica (2) Apply Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, séries BotânicaBoletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, séries Botânica filter
- Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias NaturalesBoletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales (2) Apply Boletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias NaturalesBoletin de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales filter
- Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (10) Apply Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society filter
- Botanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyBotanical Journal of the Linnean Society (22) Apply Botanical Journal of the Linnean SocietyBotanical Journal of the Linnean Society filter
- Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & LeningradBotanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad (2) Apply Botanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & LeningradBotanicheskii Zhurnal. Moscow & Leningrad filter
- Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschicht und Pflanzengeographie (2) Apply Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschicht und Pflanzengeographie filter
- Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschicht und PflanzengeographieBotanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschicht und Pflanzengeographie (2) Apply Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschicht und PflanzengeographieBotanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschicht und Pflanzengeographie filter
- Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und PflanzengeographieBotanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie (11) Apply Botanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und PflanzengeographieBotanische Jahrbücher für Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie filter
- Botaniska NotiserBotaniska Notiser (2) Apply Botaniska NotiserBotaniska Notiser filter
- Bothalia (1) Apply Bothalia filter
- BothaliaBothalia (1) Apply BothaliaBothalia filter
- BradeaBradea (2) Apply BradeaBradea filter
- BrittoniaBrittonia (6) Apply BrittoniaBrittonia filter
- Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, Series 2Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, Series 2 (1) Apply Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, Series 2Bulletin de l'Herbier Boissier, Series 2 filter
- Bulletin de la Société Botanique de FranceBulletin de la Société Botanique de France (9) Apply Bulletin de la Société Botanique de FranceBulletin de la Société Botanique de France filter
- Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'Etat, Bruxelles (3) Apply Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de l'Etat, Bruxelles filter
- Bulletin du Museum National d'Historie Naturelle: MiscellaneaBulletin du Museum National d'Historie Naturelle: Miscellanea (3) Apply Bulletin du Museum National d'Historie Naturelle: MiscellaneaBulletin du Museum National d'Historie Naturelle: Miscellanea filter
- Bulletin du Muséum Natlurelle d'Histoire Naturelle, B, Adansonia (3) Apply Bulletin du Muséum Natlurelle d'Histoire Naturelle, B, Adansonia filter
- Bulletin du Muséum Natlurelle d'Histoire Naturelle, B, AdansoniaBulletin du Muséum Natlurelle d'Histoire Naturelle, B, Adansonia (1) Apply Bulletin du Muséum Natlurelle d'Histoire Naturelle, B, AdansoniaBulletin du Muséum Natlurelle d'Histoire Naturelle, B, Adansonia filter
- Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional SeriesBulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional Series (1) Apply Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional SeriesBulletin of Miscellaneous Information. Additional Series filter
- Bulletin of Miscellaneous InformationBulletin of Miscellaneous Information (24) Apply Bulletin of Miscellaneous InformationBulletin of Miscellaneous Information filter
- Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of IndiaBulletin of the Botanical Survey of India (2) Apply Bulletin of the Botanical Survey of IndiaBulletin of the Botanical Survey of India filter
- Bulletin of the New York Botanical GardenBulletin of the New York Botanical Garden (2) Apply Bulletin of the New York Botanical GardenBulletin of the New York Botanical Garden filter
- Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubBulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (4) Apply Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubBulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club filter
- Candollea (2) Apply Candollea filter
- CandolleaCandollea (5) Apply CandolleaCandollea filter
- Changing genera. Systematic studies in Neotropical and West African Annonaceae (2) Apply Changing genera. Systematic studies in Neotropical and West African Annonaceae filter
- Check-list of the forest trees and shrubs of the British Empire. No. 5. Tanganyika Territory 2 (1) Apply Check-list of the forest trees and shrubs of the British Empire. No. 5. Tanganyika Territory 2 filter
- Checklist of the plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana), ed. 2 (1) Apply Checklist of the plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana), ed. 2 filter
- Climate change and systematics (1) Apply Climate change and systematics filter
- Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-Sciences De La Vie-Life Sciences (4) Apply Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Iii-Sciences De La Vie-Life Sciences filter
- Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie III Sciences de la Vie (2) Apply Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Serie III Sciences de la Vie filter
- Comptes Rendus de l'Académie dés Sciences Série III - Sciences de la Vie (4) Apply Comptes Rendus de l'Académie dés Sciences Série III - Sciences de la Vie filter
- Comptes rendus de l‘Académie des Sciences Série 3 - Sciences de la Vie (2) Apply Comptes rendus de l‘Académie des Sciences Série 3 - Sciences de la Vie filter
- Comptes rendus de l‘Académie des Sciences Série 3 - Sciences de la VieComptes rendus de l‘Académie des Sciences Série 3 - Sciences de la Vie (1) Apply Comptes rendus de l‘Académie des Sciences Série 3 - Sciences de la VieComptes rendus de l‘Académie des Sciences Série 3 - Sciences de la Vie filter
- Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique (1) Apply Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique filter
- Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Royale de Botanique de BelgiqueComptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique (1) Apply Comptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Royale de Botanique de BelgiqueComptes Rendus des Séances de la Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique filter
- Contributions from the United States National HerbariumContributions from the United States National Herbarium (4) Apply Contributions from the United States National HerbariumContributions from the United States National Herbarium filter
- Contributions from the University of Michigan HerbariumContributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium (4) Apply Contributions from the University of Michigan HerbariumContributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium filter
- Coral Gables (Florida), University of Miami Press.Coral Gables (Florida), University of Miami Press. (1) Apply Coral Gables (Florida), University of Miami Press.Coral Gables (Florida), University of Miami Press. filter
- Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Nachtr. III (1) Apply Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Nachtr. III filter
- Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Nachtr. IV (1) Apply Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Nachtr. IV filter
- Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen (2) Apply Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen filter
- Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, ed. 2 (3) Apply Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, ed. 2 filter
- Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, Nachträge zu (2) Apply Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien: nebst ihren Gattungen und wichtigeren Arten, insbesondere den Nutzpflanzen, Nachträge zu filter
- Die Vegetation der Erde. Bd. 3, Heft 1 (1) Apply Die Vegetation der Erde. Bd. 3, Heft 1 filter
- Diploma Thesis, Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät (2) Apply Diploma Thesis, Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät filter
- Early floral developmental studies in Annonaceae – Biosystematics and Ecology Series (1) Apply Early floral developmental studies in Annonaceae – Biosystematics and Ecology Series filter
- EngleraEnglera (1) Apply EngleraEnglera filter
- Estudios sobre diversidad y ecología de plantas (Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botánica ... 1995) (1) Apply Estudios sobre diversidad y ecología de plantas (Memorias del II Congreso Ecuatoriano de Botánica ... 1995) filter
- European Journal of Taxonomy (2) Apply European Journal of Taxonomy filter
- Evolution (1) Apply Evolution filter
- Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants (1) Apply Flora - Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants filter
- Flora Fanerogâmica da Ilha do Cardoso 3 (1) Apply Flora Fanerogâmica da Ilha do Cardoso 3 filter
- Flora Neotropica, MonographFlora Neotropica, Monograph (3) Apply Flora Neotropica, MonographFlora Neotropica, Monograph filter
- Flora of China (1) Apply Flora of China filter
- Flora of Hassan District Karnataka, India (1) Apply Flora of Hassan District Karnataka, India filter
- Flora of New South Wales 1 (1) Apply Flora of New South Wales 1 filter
- Flora of North America 3 (1) Apply Flora of North America 3 filter
- Flora of Pakistan 167 (1) Apply Flora of Pakistan 167 filter
- Flora of Suriname (Additions and corrections) 2, 2 (1) Apply Flora of Suriname (Additions and corrections) 2, 2 filter
- Flora of Suriname II, part 2 (1) Apply Flora of Suriname II, part 2 filter
- Flora of Tropical Africa (2) Apply Flora of Tropical Africa filter
- Flora of Tropical East Africa (2) Apply Flora of Tropical East Africa filter
- Flora xizangica 2 (1) Apply Flora xizangica 2 filter
- Florae Senegambiae tentamen, seu historia plantarum in diversis Senegambiae regionibus a peregrinatoribus Perrottet et Leprieur detectarum (2) Apply Florae Senegambiae tentamen, seu historia plantarum in diversis Senegambiae regionibus a peregrinatoribus Perrottet et Leprieur detectarum filter
- Flore analytique du Bénin (1) Apply Flore analytique du Bénin filter
- Flore de Madagascar et des Comores (2) Apply Flore de Madagascar et des Comores filter
- Flore des Mascareignes (1) Apply Flore des Mascareignes filter
- Flore du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi 2 (1) Apply Flore du Congo belge et du Ruanda-Urundi 2 filter
- Flore du Congo-Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi (2) Apply Flore du Congo-Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi filter
- Flore du Gabon (1) Apply Flore du Gabon filter
- Flore du Gabon 16 (1) Apply Flore du Gabon 16 filter
- Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine (1) Apply Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine filter
- Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine 1 (suppl.) (1) Apply Flore générale de l'Indo-Chine 1 (suppl.) filter
- Flowering Plants of the Neotropics (2) Apply Flowering Plants of the Neotropics filter
- Flórula da APA-Cairuçu, Parati, RJ: espécies vasculares (Série Estudos e Contribuções 14) (1) Apply Flórula da APA-Cairuçu, Parati, RJ: espécies vasculares (Série Estudos e Contribuções 14) filter
- Forestry Bulletin, Forest Department, British GuianaForestry Bulletin, Forest Department, British Guiana (1) Apply Forestry Bulletin, Forest Department, British GuianaForestry Bulletin, Forest Department, British Guiana filter
- From morphological nightmare to molecular conundrum. Phylogenetic, evolutionary and taxonomic studies on <i>Guatteria </i>(Annonceae) (1) Apply From morphological nightmare to molecular conundrum. Phylogenetic, evolutionary and taxonomic studies on <i>Guatteria </i>(Annonceae) filter
- Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. (1) Apply Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. filter
- Garcia de Orta. Serie de BotanicaGarcia de Orta. Serie de Botanica (2) Apply Garcia de Orta. Serie de BotanicaGarcia de Orta. Serie de Botanica filter
- Gardens' Bulletin. Straits Settlements, Serie 3Gardens' Bulletin. Straits Settlements, Serie 3 (8) Apply Gardens' Bulletin. Straits Settlements, Serie 3Gardens' Bulletin. Straits Settlements, Serie 3 filter
- Genera plantarum (1) Apply Genera plantarum filter
- Ghana Forestry Series 1 (1) Apply Ghana Forestry Series 1 filter
- Grana (3) Apply Grana filter
- GranaGrana (1) Apply GranaGrana filter
- GuihaiaGuihaia (3) Apply GuihaiaGuihaia filter
- Géographie physique et Quaternaire (2) Apply Géographie physique et Quaternaire filter
- Hong Kong NaturalistHong Kong Naturalist (2) Apply Hong Kong NaturalistHong Kong Naturalist filter
- Indian ForesterIndian Forester (2) Apply Indian ForesterIndian Forester filter
- Journal of Biogeography (2) Apply Journal of Biogeography filter
- Journal of BiogeographyJournal of Biogeography (2) Apply Journal of BiogeographyJournal of Biogeography filter
- Journal of Botany, British and ForeignJournal of Botany, British and Foreign (4) Apply Journal of Botany, British and ForeignJournal of Botany, British and Foreign filter
- Journal of East African Natural History (1) Apply Journal of East African Natural History filter
- Journal of East African Natural HistoryJournal of East African Natural History (2) Apply Journal of East African Natural HistoryJournal of East African Natural History filter
- Journal of Ecology (1) Apply Journal of Ecology filter
- Journal of Economic and Taxonomic botanyJournal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany (2) Apply Journal of Economic and Taxonomic botanyJournal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany filter
- Journal of Horticulture and Forestry (1) Apply Journal of Horticulture and Forestry filter
- Journal of Medicinal Plants Research (1) Apply Journal of Medicinal Plants Research filter
- Journal of Systematics and EvolutionJournal of Systematics and Evolution (1) Apply Journal of Systematics and EvolutionJournal of Systematics and Evolution filter
- Journal of the Arnold ArboretumJournal of the Arnold Arboretum (4) Apply Journal of the Arnold ArboretumJournal of the Arnold Arboretum filter
- Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Part 2. Natural HistoryJournal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Part 2. Natural History (1) Apply Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Part 2. Natural HistoryJournal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Part 2. Natural History filter
- Journal of the Bombay Natural History SocietyJournal of the Bombay Natural History Society (2) Apply Journal of the Bombay Natural History SocietyJournal of the Bombay Natural History Society filter
- Journal of the Federated Malay States MuseumJournal of the Federated Malay States Museum (5) Apply Journal of the Federated Malay States MuseumJournal of the Federated Malay States Museum filter
- Journal of the Indian Botanical SocietyJournal of the Indian Botanical Society (2) Apply Journal of the Indian Botanical SocietyJournal of the Indian Botanical Society filter
- Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJournal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (2) Apply Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJournal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society filter
- Journal of the Natural History Society of SiamJournal of the Natural History Society of Siam (1) Apply Journal of the Natural History Society of SiamJournal of the Natural History Society of Siam filter
- Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. BotanyJournal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany (1) Apply Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. BotanyJournal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Botany filter
- Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJournal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (8) Apply Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic SocietyJournal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society filter
- Journal of the Washington Academy of SciencesJournal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (6) Apply Journal of the Washington Academy of SciencesJournal of the Washington Academy of Sciences filter
- Journal of Tropical Ecology (1) Apply Journal of Tropical Ecology filter
- Kew Bulletin (9) Apply Kew Bulletin filter
- Kew BulletinKew Bulletin (16) Apply Kew BulletinKew Bulletin filter
- Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, n.s.Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, n.s. (1) Apply Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, n.s.Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, n.s. filter
- Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Series 3Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Series 3 (1) Apply Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Series 3Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, Series 3 filter
- Leaflets of Philippine BotanyLeaflets of Philippine Botany (1) Apply Leaflets of Philippine BotanyLeaflets of Philippine Botany filter
- Lingnan Science JournalLingnan Science Journal (2) Apply Lingnan Science JournalLingnan Science Journal filter
- LloydiaLloydia (1) Apply LloydiaLloydia filter
- Malayan Nature JournalMalayan Nature Journal (3) Apply Malayan Nature JournalMalayan Nature Journal filter
- Memoires de la Société Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève (1) Apply Memoires de la Société Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève filter
- Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (1) Apply Memoires du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle filter
- Memoires of the New York Botanical Garden (1) Apply Memoires of the New York Botanical Garden filter
- Memoirs of the New York Botanical GardenMemoirs of the New York Botanical Garden (5) Apply Memoirs of the New York Botanical GardenMemoirs of the New York Botanical Garden filter
- Memorias Sociedade Broteriana (1) Apply Memorias Sociedade Broteriana filter
- Mitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung MünchenMitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung München (1) Apply Mitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung MünchenMitteilungen (aus) der Botanischen Staatssammlung München filter
- Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (3) Apply Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution filter
- Molecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (3) Apply Molecular Phylogenetics and EvolutionMolecular Phylogenetics and Evolution filter
- Monographien afrikanischer Pflanzen-Familien und -Gattungen (3) Apply Monographien afrikanischer Pflanzen-Familien und -Gattungen filter
- Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical GardenMonographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden (4) Apply Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical GardenMonographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden filter
- Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Série B. BotaniqueMémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Serie B. Botanique (5) Apply Mémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Série B. BotaniqueMémoires du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. Serie B. Botanique filter
- NatureNature (1) Apply NatureNature filter
- Nordic Journal of BotanyNordic Journal of Botany (16) Apply Nordic Journal of BotanyNordic Journal of Botany filter
- Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums Berlin-Dahlem (1) Apply Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums Berlin-Dahlem filter
- Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-DahlemNotizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem (3) Apply Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-DahlemNotizblatt des Botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin-Dahlem filter
- Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin (3) Apply Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin filter
- Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu BerlinNotizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin (1) Apply Notizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu BerlinNotizblatt des Königl. botanischen Gartens und Museums zu Berlin filter
- Notulae SystematicaeNotulae Systematicae (2) Apply Notulae SystematicaeNotulae Systematicae filter
- Nova Guinea. BotanyNova Guinea. Botany (1) Apply Nova Guinea. BotanyNova Guinea. Botany filter
- Nova Odessa (SP), Instituto Plantarum de Estudios da Flora.Nova Odessa (SP), Instituto Plantarum de Estudios da Flora. (2) Apply Nova Odessa (SP), Instituto Plantarum de Estudios da Flora.Nova Odessa (SP), Instituto Plantarum de Estudios da Flora. filter
- Novon (2) Apply Novon filter
- NovonNovon (9) Apply NovonNovon filter
- Nuevo catálogo de la flora vascular de Venezuela (1) Apply Nuevo catálogo de la flora vascular de Venezuela filter
- PhD thesis (1) Apply PhD thesis filter
- Philippine Journal of Science. Section C, BotanyPhilippine Journal of Science. Section C, Botany (14) Apply Philippine Journal of Science. Section C, BotanyPhilippine Journal of Science. Section C, Botany filter
- Philippine Journal of SciencePhilippine Journal of Science (12) Apply Philippine Journal of SciencePhilippine Journal of Science filter
- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B series (1) Apply Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B series filter
- PhytoKeys (14) Apply PhytoKeys filter
- PhytoKeysPhytoKeys (3) Apply PhytoKeysPhytoKeys filter
- PhytologiaPhytologia (2) Apply PhytologiaPhytologia filter
- Phytomorphology (1) Apply Phytomorphology filter
- Phytotaxa (8) Apply Phytotaxa filter
- PhytotaxaPhytotaxa (5) Apply PhytotaxaPhytotaxa filter
- Pl Syst Evol (1) Apply Pl Syst Evol filter
- Pl Syst EvolPl Syst Evol (1) Apply Pl Syst EvolPl Syst Evol filter
- Plant Ecology and Evolution (2) Apply Plant Ecology and Evolution filter
- Plant Species Biol (1) Apply Plant Species Biol filter
- Plant Systematics and EvolutionPlant Systematics and Evolution (11) Apply Plant Systematics and EvolutionPlant Systematics and Evolution filter
- Pollen & Spores (2) Apply Pollen & Spores filter
- Pollen & Spores: Morphology and Biology (2) Apply Pollen & Spores: Morphology and Biology filter
- Pollen & SporesPollen & Spores (2) Apply Pollen & SporesPollen & Spores filter
- Pollen and spores: form and function (2) Apply Pollen and spores: form and function filter
- Pollen et spores d'Afrique tropicale (2) Apply Pollen et spores d'Afrique tropicale filter
- Proceedings of the Linnean Society of LondonProceedings of the Linnean Society of London (1) Apply Proceedings of the Linnean Society of LondonProceedings of the Linnean Society of London filter
- Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical SeriesPublications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series (1) Apply Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical SeriesPublications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series filter
- Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Botanical seriesPublications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Botanical series (5) Apply Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Botanical seriesPublications of the Field Museum of Natural History. Botanical series filter
- Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni VegetabilisRepertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis (3) Apply Repertorium Specierum Novarum Regni VegetabilisRepertorium specierum novarum regni vegetabilis filter
- Research notes. Division of Forest Management, Forestry Commission, New South WalesResearch notes. Division of Forest Management, Forestry Commission, New South Wales (1) Apply Research notes. Division of Forest Management, Forestry Commission, New South WalesResearch notes. Division of Forest Management, Forestry Commission, New South Wales filter
- Reserva Ecológica de Macaé de Cima, Nova Friburgo - RJ. Aspectos florísticos das espécies vasculares 2 (1) Apply Reserva Ecológica de Macaé de Cima, Nova Friburgo - RJ. Aspectos florísticos das espécies vasculares 2 filter
- Revista Brasileira de FruticulturaRevista Brasileira de Fruticultura (5) Apply Revista Brasileira de FruticulturaRevista Brasileira de Fruticultura filter
- Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y EcologiaRevista del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y Ecologia (2) Apply Revista del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y EcologiaRevista del Instituto de Ciencias Naturales y Ecologia filter
- Revista Peruana de BiologíaRevista Peruana de Biologia (1) Apply Revista Peruana de BiologíaRevista Peruana de Biologia filter
- RheedeaRheedea (2) Apply RheedeaRheedea filter
- Rio de Janeiro, Livros técnicos e científicos editora S.A. (1) Apply Rio de Janeiro, Livros técnicos e científicos editora S.A. filter
- Rodriguésia-Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de JaneiroRodriguésia-Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (1) Apply Rodriguésia-Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de JaneiroRodriguésia-Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro filter
- RodriguésiaRodriguésia (4) Apply RodriguésiaRodriguésia filter
- Sarawak Museum JournalSarawak Museum Journal (2) Apply Sarawak Museum JournalSarawak Museum Journal filter
- Scientia GuaianaeScientia Guaianae (1) Apply Scientia GuaianaeScientia Guaianae filter
- SelbyanaSelbyana (2) Apply SelbyanaSelbyana filter
- Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Physikalisch-mathematische KlasseSitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Physikalisch-mathematische Klasse (1) Apply Sitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Physikalisch-mathematische KlasseSitzungsberichte der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Physikalisch-mathematische Klasse filter
- Studies in Annonaceae (2) Apply Studies in Annonaceae filter
- SunyatseniaSunyatsenia (4) Apply SunyatseniaSunyatsenia filter
- Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift Utgifven af Svenska Botaniska ForeningenSvensk Botanisk Tidskrift Utgifven af Svenska Botaniska Foreningen (1) Apply Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift Utgifven af Svenska Botaniska ForeningenSvensk Botanisk Tidskrift Utgifven af Svenska Botaniska Foreningen filter
- Symbolae AntillanaeSymbolae Antillanae (2) Apply Symbolae AntillanaeSymbolae Antillanae filter
- Systematic Botany (3) Apply Systematic Botany filter
- Systematic Botany Monographs (1) Apply Systematic Botany Monographs filter
- Systematic Botany MonographsSystematic Botany Monographs (5) Apply Systematic Botany MonographsSystematic Botany Monographs filter
- Systematic BotanySystematic Botany (13) Apply Systematic BotanySystematic Botany filter
- Systematics and Biodiversity (1) Apply Systematics and Biodiversity filter
- Systematics and BiodiversitySystematics and Biodiversity (3) Apply Systematics and BiodiversitySystematics and Biodiversity filter
- Systematics and Geography of Plants (2) Apply Systematics and Geography of Plants filter
- Taxon (6) Apply Taxon filter
- TaxonTaxon (18) Apply TaxonTaxon filter
- Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) (2) Apply Thai Forest Bulletin (Botany) filter
- The Journal of Linnean Society. Botany (1) Apply The Journal of Linnean Society. Botany filter
- Transactions of the Linnean Society of London (1) Apply Transactions of the Linnean Society of London filter
- Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonTransactions of the Linnean Society of London (1) Apply Transactions of the Linnean Society of LondonTransactions of the Linnean Society of London filter
- Tree flora of Malaya 1 (1) Apply Tree flora of Malaya 1 filter
- Tropenbos-Kalimantan Series 2 (1) Apply Tropenbos-Kalimantan Series 2 filter
- Tropical Plant Biology (1) Apply Tropical Plant Biology filter
- Tropical Plant BiologyTropical Plant Biology (1) Apply Tropical Plant BiologyTropical Plant Biology filter
- U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Tropical Forest Experiment Station. Occasional paperU.S.D.A. Forest Service. Tropical Forest Experiment Station. Occasional paper (1) Apply U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Tropical Forest Experiment Station. Occasional paperU.S.D.A. Forest Service. Tropical Forest Experiment Station. Occasional paper filter
- University of California Publications in BotanyUniversity of California Publications in Botany (2) Apply University of California Publications in BotanyUniversity of California Publications in Botany filter
- Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg und die angrenzenden LanderVerhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg und die angrenzenden Lander (1) Apply Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg und die angrenzenden LanderVerhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins der Provinz Brandenburg und die angrenzenden Lander filter
- Willdenowia - Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-DahlemWilldenowia - Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (1) Apply Willdenowia - Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-DahlemWilldenowia - Annals of the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem filter
Filter by contributor:
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (46) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (10) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (8) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (6) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (4) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (3) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (3) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (3) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (3) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (3) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (3) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (2) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
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- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter
- ---HIDE THIS TERM--- (1) Apply ---HIDE THIS TERM--- filter