Reassignment of six Polyalthia species to the new genus Maasia (Annonaceae): molecular and morphological congruence

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:J. B. Mols, Keßler, P. J. A., Rogstad, S. H., Saunders, R. M. K.
Journal:Systematic BotanySystematic Botany
Date Published:Jul-Sep
ISBN Number:0363-6445
Accession Number:ISI:000258744600003

Recently published molecular phylogenies of the Annonaceae have confirmed the long-held hypothesis that the large paleotropical genus Polyalthia is polyphyletic. Species previously assigned to Polyalthia are now known to belong to up to six distinct, generally well-supported clades. Three members of a group of six species previously referred to as the Polyalthia hypoleuca complex form a monophyletic group (with 99% bootstrap support) that is only distantly related to the other species of Polyalthia sampled. Putative morphological synapomorphies are assessed, and justification provided for validating a new generic name, Maasia. Six species names in the Polyalthia hypoleuca complex are accordingly transferred to Maasia: M. discolor, M. glauca, M. hypoleuca, M. multinervis, M. ovalifolia, and M. sumatrana.

Short Title:Syst Bot
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith